The revision of ICAO Annex 15 (Amendment 40), which took effect on November 2018 along with the new PANS-AIM (Doc 10066), introduces significant changes to the way that aeronautical data is originated, managed and provided. 101 Training Centre, situated in Bangkok, now launches a five-day intensive training AIS-AIM course to be held in January 2020.

The AIS-AIM course is aimed at aeronautical data originators, AIS service providers, regulatory organisations and other organisations that are affected by the revision of the ICAO Annex 15 to make them aware of the impact and the required changes. The course is conducted by Mr Roland Baumann, Senior Consultant and Business Developer in ITV Consult. When asked why this course is particularly important, he says:

‘This course is important to understand what it means to change from a product-centric to a data-centric AIM operation. It is crucial to comprehend the transition from AIS to AIM as a pre-requisite for a SWIM-enabled environment and to understand the importance of quality-assured aeronautical data and information in the ATM network. With this course, affected parties in Thailand and neighbouring countries do not have to travel far to familiarise with the changing environment.’

The course is developed by ITV Consult in Switzerland and offered in collaboration with 101 Training Centre in Thailand and the Danish training academy Integra Aviation Academy.

Course facts:
Duration: 5 days
Date: 27 – 31 January
Location: Singha Complex, Bangkok
Instructor: Mr Roland Bauman

The key topics of the course are:
• Introduction to AIS-AIM
• AIS regulatory framework
• Safety oversight of AIS
• AIS organisation
• Processing of aeronautical data and information
• Aeronautical information products and services
• Digital data sets
• Establishing AIM in AIS organisation
• AIM in the context of ICAO ASBU

For prices, discounts and registration, please contact: [email protected]
For more information about AIS/AIM and the course contents, please contact: [email protected]
For further information, please visit: