AFIS Training
AFIS Training
Integra Aviation is certified by The Danish Transport, Building and Construction Authority (TBST) to train AFIS Operators.
We provide a broad variety of training courses to both aviation organisations and private individuals and can adapt our training courses – be it for few students or large groups – to any AFIS need efficiently, fats and at a competitive price.
Our courses:
- Basic FIS Training
- AFIS Refresher Course
- OJT Instructor course (OJTI)
- OJTI refresher course
- Quality Assurance – Compliance Course (Audit)
- Safety Management System Course (SMS)
- (A)FIS Radar Course
- Radio Certificate
- Language Proficiency Check (ELPAC)
- Off-shore Transportation Coordination (OTC)
- General English Language Course
- Aviation English Courses
- Tailormade Courses

We train (A)FIS Operators in our training centre in Odense, Denmark. The centre is located in a refurbished hangar in Hans Christian Andersen Airport (HCA Airport) with modern facilities and a 3D 370° simulator.
Fixed Training Programme
We offer a fixed training programme for a selection of AFIS Courses. A fixed programme allows our customers to plan training courses well in advance of their actual need and allows us to find additional course participants for each course. Bigger groups of students create a dynamic atmosphere and generate a valuable synergy effect in the training process.
Training programme:
- October – Basic FIS Training
- November – OJTI Refresher
- December – AFIS Refresher.
You will find a description of each course at the bottom of this page.
Flexibility in the location where the training is taken
Often our customers need flexibility in the location where the training is taken. Therefore, we offer to conduct part of the training at the customer’s venue. While the simulator training must be performed in our training centre in Odense, the theoretical training can be conducted at the customer’s venue if needed, provided, of course, that the customer’s facilities can be approved by The Danish Transport, Building and Construction Authority.

Dialogue and Flexibility
We know that the best training results arise from a close collaboration between us and our customer. We listen to our customer’s needs, discuss the possibilities and present different training solutions. We are flexible and strive to find the solution that best meet our customers’ demands and requirements – and this of course, without compromising laws & regulations, quality and safety.
In other words, we are always open for dialogue and prepared to offer tailormade training courses even though we have our fixed training programme in the calendar.
Integra Aviation
Udbyder af konsulent- og serviceydelser samt træning og uddannelse til luftfartsindustrien. Udbyder af avancerede droneløsninger til private og offentlige organisationer.
Integra Aviation
Lufthavnvej 131, Hangar 16
5270 Odense N
[email protected]
Tlf.: 46 16 16 41