AFIS References
We have conducted several AFIS courses for various airports in Denmark, Greenland and the Farrow Islands. Here is a pick of our references:
Esbjerg Airport (Denmark):
- (A)FIS Radar Course
- Safety Management System Course (SMS).
Hans Christian Andersen Airport, Odense (Denmark):
- AFI Course
Mittarfeqarfiit Airport (Greenland):
- AFIS Basic Course (on a fixed contract 2015 – 2017)
- AFIS Refresher Course (on a fixed contract 2015 – 2017)
Sonderborg Airport (Denmark):
- Radar Course
- AFIS Refresher Course
- AFI Course
Sonderborg Municipality (Denmark):
- AFI Course
Vagar Airport (Farrow Islands):
- AFIS Basic Course
Kolding-Vamdrup Airport (Denmark):
- On the Job Training Instructor Course (OJTI)
- AFIS Basic Course and AFI
Integra Aviation
Provider of consultancy and services as well as training and education for the aviation industry. Provider of advanced drone solutions to private and public organizations.
Integra Aerial Services & Aviation Academy
Lufthavnvej 131
Hangar 16
Odense N